Thursday, April 23, 2015

God's goodness

The main reason I wanted to have a blog was to have a place to share all God is doing through this adoption process.  There is one thing I know....when you do what God asks you to do, even when it seems impossible or scary, He is going to move in a mighty way.  Matt and I want God to be glorified in all that He is doing in our lives especially through this process. 

God has poured out His goodness on us this week.  In the last 5 days, God has done so many things to lift us up.  I could make a list of how He has done more than we could ever imagine in the last few days.  Some ways were small ways that had His fingerprints all over it.  He knows what we need.  Some have completely blown our minds.  I received a phone call yesterday morning that left me speechless due to tears of sheer awe and gratefulness. God knew the weight on my shoulders and I felt as if He physically lifted it off of me yesterday.  I don't understand why God would be so good to us, but I know it is HIM and only HIM.  Thank you God.

We took a huge step of faith when we said yes to adopt.  Then, we were called out even farther into the water when we said "yes" to TWO at one time.  We know this is not something we can do alone.  We got out of the comfortable boat, fixed our eyes on Jesus and He is carrying us.  Many people ask why we are doing what we're doing.  It's way beyond us.  We want to live with total abandon and serve Him faithfully until our last breath.  This is what God has purposed us for.  He has been so very good to us.  Sometimes I think about how many times in the past have I missed out on God's blessings, because I was too afraid to act on what He was calling me to do.  If God is gently nudging you to step out on faith and act, do it!  He wants to show you in a tangible way His mighty hand and shower His blessings on you.  Fix your eyes on Jesus and get out of that boat!

To God be the Glory

1 comment:

  1. I'm proud of you and your family for the awesome work you're doing and the positive attitude you've had through the trials. God provides such amazing growth and transformation when we submit to his will. Jeff and I were dragged kicking and screaming through each of our growth periods. We're just starting to get the hang of giving our lives to God and to go where he calls. Kudos to you for chasing after him instead of being dragged!
