Sunday, February 15, 2015

Lilly Blooms In Our Hearts

 Adoption has changed our lives.  It has changed our family.  We have been praying for several months asking God what He would like us to do next.  Since we met Endale in Ethiopia, we knew we would adopt again. We looked into all sorts of options being completely open to wherever and however God led.

Once again, He handpicked who was supposed to be in our family.  He opened our hearts to a little girl named, Lilly, in China.  Lilly has Down Syndrome and is 2 1/2 years old just like Endale.   We fell in love with her through pictures.

As God nudged our hearts, we pushed back.  The process of getting to her seems daunting after just recently completing an adoption.  Matt and I begin to seek the Lord's wisdom.  We prayed.  We asked the kids to pray and ask God to even lead them as to what we were supposed to do.

With the whole family feeling like we were supposed to adopt Lilly, Matt and I started looking at timelines, fee sheets and all of Lilly's medical files.  We knew what we were supposed to do, but how?  As fear crept in, it was if God gently reminded us both...

"Have I not already showed you My faithfulness?"

God has showed us His faithfulness in adoption already!  He is worthy of our trust.  Hebrews 13:6 says, "The Lord is my Helper. I will not be afraid."

People will think we're crazy--although they probably already do.
People will question what we're doing--but we've received our orders from God.
People will ask how--our God says, I am faithful just keep your eyes on Me.

God has called us to live radically for Him and we are ALL IN.  This is the calling on our family and we all know it.

So we boldly say, "YES".

Proverbs 3:27 says, "Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to act."

So now, we long to bring Lilly home.

This blog will serve as a way to share God's faithfulness as He writes this chapter in Lilly's story and joins her into our family.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - exciting! Looking forward to seeing you at the gym and getting all the news! What a lucky, special little girl. Congrats!
